Cloud Solutions
Protect your data, applications, and infrastructure from outside threats.

Robust Cloud Security

Your business is making the transition to the cloud. Having hardy security is imperative. Security threats are constantly evolving and becoming more prevalent and sophisticated. It is important for you to deploy a security strategy that is going to protect your company from these attacks. We have the knowledge and expertise to develop a strategy and deploy it to protect your company from these attacks.

Let CanvassTech's Cloud Security experts guide you through these complexities.

Granular, policy-based IAM and authentication controls across complex infrastructures

Work with groups and roles rather than at the individual IAM level to make it easier to update IAM definitions as business requirements change. Grant only the minimal access privileges to assets and APIs that are essential for a group or role to carry out its tasks. The more extensive privileges, the higher the levels of authentication. And don't neglect good IAM hygiene, enforcing strong password policies, permission time-outs, and so on.

Zero-trust cloud network security controls across logically isolated networks and micro-segments

Deploy business-critical resources and apps in logically isolated sections of the provider's cloud network, such as Virtual Private Clouds (AWS and Google) or vNET (Azure). Use subnets to micro-segment workloads from each other, with granular security policies at subnet gateways. Use dedicated WAN links in hybrid architectures, and use static user-defined routing configurations to customize access to virtual devices, virtual networks and their gateways, and public IP addresses.

Enforcement of virtual server protection policies and processes such as change management and software updates

Cloud security vendors provide robust Cloud Security Posture Management, consistently applying governance and compliance rules and templates when provisioning virtual servers, auditing for configuration deviations, and remediating automatically where possible.

Safeguarding all applications (and especially cloud-native distributed apps) with a next-generation web application firewall

This will granularly inspect and control traffic to and from web application servers, automatically updates WAF rules in response to traffic behavior changes, and is deployed closer to microservices that are running workloads.

Enhanced data protection

Enhanced data protection with encryption at all transport layers, secure file shares and communications, continuous compliance risk management, and maintaining good data storage resource hygiene such as detecting misconfigured buckets and terminating orphan resources.

Threat intelligence that detects and remediates known and unknown threats in real-time

Third-party cloud security vendors add context to the large and diverse streams of cloud-native logs by intelligently cross-referencing aggregated log data with internal data such as asset and configuration management systems, vulnerability scanners, etc. and external data such as public threat intelligence feeds, geolocation databases, etc. They also provide tools that help visualize and query the threat landscape and promote quicker incident response times. AI-based anomaly detection algorithms are applied to catch unknown threats, which then undergo forensics analysis to determine their risk profile. Real-time alerts on intrusions and policy violations shorten times to remediation, sometimes even triggering auto-remediation workflows.

Ready to dive in? Call us or email today.